Nick’s Hand Picked Guitars Hall of Fame!
Norman found the twin sister to his favorite Taylor 614ce here at Nick's - It was a pleasure to talk guitars and life with you sir. Enjoy your new guitar!
Micah stopped by and took home an epic Custom Shop Stratocaster! Boy did he get a good one. Thanks for checking out NHP Guitars!!!

Jeff with his killer Gibson R8! I enjoyed every second of talking guitars and connecting you with your new ‘58 reissue, cheers!
A first ever here at NHP - all the way from St. Louis to Australia, Doug found a stunning Gibson ES-359 here at Nick's! Special occasion and Doug was awesome to work with every step of the way - NHP is international! - Enjoy Doug!
My friend, Levi, took home a killer 1998 Gibson ES-335 Dot from Nick's Hand Picked! From St. Louis to Detroit connected by guitars - that's what it's all about! Cheers Levi!
Thanks for checking out NHP, Mac! We had a great conversation before parting ways over a killer 2014 Gibson ES-Les Paul. I am honored to have helped connect you with your next guitar!
Tim stopped by Nick's Hand-Picked home base here in St. Louis, MO to pick up a cleannnn 1998 Gibson Les Paul Custom! Hope that you enjoy the heck out of your new Black Beauty my friend!
We packed up a gorgeous 2011 American Vintage Reissue Stratocaster (far left) and sent it out to our new friend, Kevin, in California. He was nice enough to send us a pick of his entire AVRI collection - Absolutely Killer! Hope that you enjoy Kevin!
Nick and John with John's new 1966 Fender Jaguar! Beautiful Sunburst finish and tons of mojo - John got a good one!
Enjoy your 1967 Gibson SG Special, Dave! Hope that you love those screaming P-90 pickups as much as we did! It took 54 years, but I think this SG finally made it home :)
Brad took home a sweet 2006 Gibson Les Paul Standard! This one featured a stunning faded honey-burst finish and a pair of double cream DiMarzio PUPs! I hope you enjoy!
New pals, Nick and Randy pose with Randy's newest collection piece - a Custom Shop Fender '55 Stratocaster! This guitar was a joy to play and a favorite at NHP Guitars, it will be missed but could not be in better hands.
NHP's FIRST Hall of Fame Member, Seth, with his 1981 Gibson Les Paul Custom Black Beauty! A stunning guitar with a personality that can only be contained by a player with skills like Seth! Newly named "Moody" by Seth himself this guitar/player combo is the definition of what we are about here at Nick's Hand-Picked Guitars - Enjoy!